Monday, May 13, 2013

Brother Embarking

This is me and my younger brother Brad:

He is downright fantastic. Yesterday was his birthday, and today he happens to be leaving for a two-and-a-half-month missions internship in India. I sure am going to miss this kid, but I am so very proud of him. 

The truth is that when he first applied for the internship (through the Acts Project at Bryan College), he only knew that he didn't want to go to India. But for some reason, India is exactly where God wants him to go.

When the director of the program asked me about Brad's field placement for the summer, telling me the options were either England or India, my initial thought was "Send him to England!" Brad had mentioned that he would like to go there, and having been there myself, I love that place. It would be so much fun, and it might even be meaningful. But the more I prayed about it, the more I knew that Brad didn't need that for a summer missions internship. The word that God kept putting in my mind was "stretching." I knew he needed to go to India.

Apparently a lot of other people thought the same thing, so it was decided that Brad would go to India this summer. That was before all of the health issues. Since January, he's had shoulder surgery, mono, and a blood clot, and we were all wondering whether or not he would or could go. Even when he was mostly recovered from the health problems, we still weren't sure. He sent out his support letters fairly late in the game, for a variety of reasons, so when the money was coming due, he only had about half of his funds raised. 

So he prayed, "God, if you want me to go to India, make it happen." Over the couple of days after that prayer, he got three phone calls and had all of his support raised.

And just like that, God's taking him to India, with nothing but a backpack and the clothes on his back. He's nervous, understandably. But he's going.

Seeing Brad walk through the long process of preparation and watching him step out in faith to actually go to India has been a huge challenge for me. There are things in my life about which I am totally uncertain and even afraid. Things for which I don't feel prepared or knowledgeable enough or strong enough. 

But, just like with Brad going on this crazy adventure to India, the path my life takes really isn't about my strength or readiness or even my excitement to do what God calls me to do. It's about God's strength in and through me and His faithfulness to do good things in my heart and life, wherever I am and whatever I'm doing.

If you want to keep up with Brad's adventures, check out his blog. I'm sure you'll hear some great stories.

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